The Opinions

Topic: Listen intentfully, respond purposefully

Digital makes it easy to listen, simple strategy should make it easy to refine and respond. Brands must stay agile, prepared and show intent to listen to endear themselves to audiences

We often hear that the advent of digital media has made it easier to consume and communicate information about any brand, business, or person. But we also know the digital world has become so cluttered that everyone speaks to everyone.

So how can one stand out? How do we ensure we reach the right set of audiences?

We can do this by listening – an extremely powerful tool.And how do we do this?The most straightforward answer to this will be to go digital. Yes, it is undoubtedly the first choice. However, should it be the only choice?

I believe listening is a culmination of all five sensory organs clubbed with human intellect. It means the rich experiences of human life – from traveling to reading to listening to music to eating multiple cuisines, interacting with different cultures, and much more – everything tells us something and stays with us as we evolve. Using such insights at the right time is real art.

In addition to these insights, knowing who to listen to is also important. Again, relevant audiences play a critical role here. If we tend to speak in English to a person who has never been exposed to the language, our message will end up hitting a wall. Hence, the primary focus should be listening to the relevant audience – customers, their customers, and other stakeholders such as employees, investors, and partners- to know their personality, needs and demands, things/thoughts/aspects they care about, and much more.

Listening helps us understand the ground reality, their pain points, and their user-centric lens to align with their perspective.

Once the insights are gathered from all forms of listening, strategy becomes a cakewalk. However, here are some core tenets of strategy that can act as a guiding rule –

  • Simple to adopt
  • Impactful
  • Measurable
  • Purposeful
  • Long-lasting
  • Easy to scale

While the above needs no explanation to know what it signifies, this ‘Simple’ approach is undoubtedly not as simple to execute. However, the strategy starts shaping up with a razor-sharp focus on the end outcome that aligns with both the brand’s objectives + the end user’s expectations.  

Although here’s another important note to bear in mind. If listening can happen from sources beyond digital, so can communication. And hence, it is essential to look around and define the communication mediums + messages accordingly. Because everything from action to even numbers communicate –

On one of my recent work-travel trips, I hired a cab. 

On our way, the driver excitedly screamed, “Madam, see that car going by. It’s from my hometown.”

At first, I wondered what led him to say that, but the next moment I realized. It was surprising to see how the smallest element, a number plate, could make such a personal connection.

It got me thinking. We often look at creating fancy roadmaps, selecting communication mediums (often digital), creating message strategies, and finally, going all out to shoot. But we must remember that communication is about delivering the right message to the right person at the right time. And hence, it becomes important to note that even the simplest mode of communication (as simple as a number plate) may result in a more significant impact. 

Purposeful communication is about connecting the right dots for meaningful action, and this can be achieved through mediums as tiny as number plates that we may never think of.

Gulshan Kaur Batra, Ideosphere.


#10YearChallenge: Overcoming the Old-Dog Challenge

By Gulshan Kaur Batra, Consulting Associate

Social media is currently trending the #10yearchallenge. You put up your current picture vis-à-vis your picture 10 years ago and let all be amazed with the drastic change in you. So cute!

Well, wish all challenges were so cute and simple in nature. But real life, especially your professional life will have a platter full of challenges in such tenure, which can leave you lost.

 Let me help explain this with a scenario.

So being a graduate in BMM (Bachelor of Mass Media), I conveniently started my journey into Public Relations 10 years ago happily learning, executing, dealing with challenges and growing at every phase. Changed multiple agencies, worked on clients in different sectors, and Holla! That’s enough for you to be termed as an ‘experienced professional’ in this industry. But never did I realise when this term ‘PR’ turned into ‘Communications’ (#Challenge1); and when did the definition of good media visibility move away from the coverage in the print copies of the Times of India, Economic Times, to Digital (#Challenge2).

The role of public relations professionals was confined to bridging the gap between media and their clients. They acted as mediators, of course meaningful ones, who ensured their clients’ work gets published and garners good media visibility. More the number of impressions, happier were the clients and thus the agencies. However, with the advent of digital media, the mediums grew beyond traditional publications and thus communication evolved. Storytelling was no longer one sided, but enabled two-way conversations, which led to the challenge of dealing with both, overall ‘communication’ as well as ‘digital’ media.

No doubt, digital media played a part in every individual’s life, over the years. But in no time, it started to hold a powerful position in every brand’s life too. Surprisingly, these are the same platforms that once enabled individuals to connect with each other, talk their heart out with random conversations; have suddenly turned thought-driven. Conversations still occur and the number is only rising, but there is a deep meaning and purpose behind every message out there. Such was the case only in very few traditional media, until a few years ago.

Agencies are evolving. Earlier termed as a PR agency, they now have a division for Social Media too. However, more often than not, as seasoned professionals in traditional PR, we tend to do our media bit and leave the latter half for social media experts. Our mind is usually stuck in the same old rat race – how many coverages did we achieve? But never did we try and think beyond – how many lives did we impact? How many conversations did we create? How much value did we achieve for our clients?

So, does that mean traditional media has no value? Definitely, not! It is still equally important. In fact, it is the strongest base of our communication tools. But how can we add relevance to the same old-school process, is what we need to quickly adapt to. And this cannot be achieved in isolation. High time, the industry realizes, the integration of both PR & digital, with a 360-degree approach can only add value to the client’s communication and business objectives.

Until my stint with Ideosphere Consulting, I never realized we can actually think beyond the mediums of communication I first started my journey with. Now working as a part of an integrated agency, who constantly thinks of providing value to clients, beyond coverage, I began to fumble and question myself, ‘what had I been doing for years?’ I realised what I did was just one part of communication and time is now demanding to look beyond. I am facing this challenge, and I am glad I did, before I could have literally felt outdated and irrelevant in the next #5yearchallenge. Today, I am the proud (and slightly lost) owner of my own Instagram account, I know how to #hashtag, and slowly, I find myself thinking about platforms I would have laughed off as silly, a few years ago. The thing is, this is where the people are, and so we must also join them. If you don’t, how can you aim to build meaningful, insight-driven, measurable conversations with them?

So, to all the traditional PR experts out there, it is time we start thinking as ‘consumers first’ to understand how we ourselves connect with a brand through multiple mediums. Similar outlook can help us chalk out effective communication strategies for our clients, helping them stand out in the clutter.

Let our skills not be outdated with time. Let’s embrace this challenge and club the expertise of both, traditional + digital communication, to be termed as real professionals of the communication industry.

And yes, this is not the end of this game. ‘Marketing Communications’ is already opening doors to adapt to a much larger horizon of communication – PR + Digital + Advertising + Marketing. Let us all gear up to meet the new age demands, constantly challenging today for a better and evolved tomorrow.


Let Communication be the Pillar to Influence!

By Gulshan Kaur Batra & Dharmesh Dave

The term ‘influence’ connects our mind instantly to influential leaders, who have made a difference – be it decades ago or present day. But most of us have never tried to go deeper to understand how only a few have mastered the art to influence others so flawlessly? Is it that we do not have the spark within or maybe it just needs some fuel – maybe we all have the unexplored potential to be a ‘Chanakya in our daily life’!

Every individual of any level has the capacity to influence others. It begins with how we inspire, not only to our fellow teammates but also our ownself. We may not be celebrated but we surely have the ability to create a difference at a small scale day-in & day-out. One should note that every idea is a big idea and many either tend to hesitate or not find an opportunity to speak it out loud. However, as rightly said, ‘A pen is mightier than the sword’. We live in a digital world; have access to emails/blogs; and of course, a pen and paper. ‘Documentation’ of our thoughts and experience is something we all have an access to. You never know, what you pen down today, may become points for reference/motivation for others.

While influence is the ability to impact and shape somebody, it requires modification with time – matching the current and futuristic trends. For instance, in today’s day and age, digitalisation is one of the biggest trends. In order to mark an influence, it is one’s ability to create a memorable, yet fun experience using technology. One such example is, MD, CEO of Godrej, Mr. Vivek Gambhir who presents the company’s review to his global counterparts through a rap video. Hard to believe, but he did it. He utilized technology and creativity to make the communication not only effective but also saved time as opposed to lengthy mundane presentations.

The art of influencing comes with experience. The more we understand our work, industry, the trends, the workplace; the better we are able to articulate them. This experience, to our surprise, does not come with time; rather it is equal to an algorithm. The purpose of the experience is not what and for how long you have done something, but it is the ability of how we respond to similar situations in future. One of the important aspects to gain a fruitful experience is to make right career choices that help improve one’s learning curve.

Interestingly, our life revolves around ‘Karma’ and so does the power to influence. While we seek influence from others, we need to inspire ourselves enough to be able to influence others, creating a vicious circle of a positively influenced and a better world.

Right from school days, we have been evaluated on our learning. While we move towards the journey of influencing others, it becomes equally important for us to evaluate at every step to create the right impact. Being in a communication industry, we have the power to evaluate through the use of both digital media and PR. Therefore, create the right communication strategy for our brands to equally hold an influential share in the market. Most of us tend to hook upon influencers to spread the word, but did you know that our very own Meltwater gives us the liberty to evaluate the right influencers for your brand? Similarly, in PR too, achieving business goals is not through sharing AV (Ad Value) or generating ROI (Return on Investment), but it is by achieving ROO (Return on Objectives). It is imperative to lay down PR and Communication objectives in order to take a step towards achieving business goals, using the 3 I’s – Insights, Innovation, and Integration.

Undoubtedly, the ‘Influence Now’ seminar gave us a lot of such learning. But we found ourselves fortunate enough to realise that our workplace – Ideosphere & Ourbit have already embarked their journey towards futuristic trends in order to grow, blossom and master in this industry of communication. Right from being innovative, insights-driven, to using softwares like Meltwater – we have it all. Lastly, not forgetting to mention the iteration by Dr. Ramkrishnan Pillai: “A great influencer always documents and therefore everybody should write a book about their experience, irrespective if anyone would read it or not.” Voila! We at Ideosphere have just taken a step further with the book on our collective experiences – OPEN.

So OPEN your doors to inspiration and pass on the positive influences.